Quadrotors and objects

This page introduces all dynamically spawn-able actors within Flightmare.

Unity Prefabs

Prefabs are already-made Unity GameObjects with animations and a series of attributes. These attributes include, among others, mesh, material, post-processing settings, and much more.


In this section, we explain how you can spawn and move the quadrotor. Check the references for all functions.


To spawn the quadrotor in a scene, you have to implement the following lines of code.

#include "flightlib/bridges/unity_bridge.hpp"
#include "flightlib/common/quad_state.hpp"
#include "flightlib/common/types.hpp"
#include "flightlib/objects/quadrotor.hpp"

using namespace flightlib;

// Initialize quadrotor
std::shared_ptr<Quadrotor> quad_ptr_ = std::make_shared<Quadrotor>();
QuadState quad_state_;

// Initialize Unity bridge
std::shared_ptr<UnityBridge> unity_bridge_ptr_;
unity_bridge_ptr_ = UnityBridge::getInstance();

// Add quadrotor
bool unity_ready_ = unity_bridge_ptr_->connectUnity(UnityScene::WAREHOUSE);

Set State

When the quadrotor is spawned, the pose can be updated by the following lines of code.

// Define new quadrotor state
quad_state_.x[QS::POSX] = (Scalar)position.x;
quad_state_.x[QS::POSY] = (Scalar)position.y;
quad_state_.x[QS::POSZ] = (Scalar)position.z;
quad_state_.x[QS::ATTW] = (Scalar)orientation.w;
quad_state_.x[QS::ATTX] = (Scalar)orientation.x;
quad_state_.x[QS::ATTY] = (Scalar)orientation.y;
quad_state_.x[QS::ATTZ] = (Scalar)orientation.z;

// Set new state

// Render next frame


Objects can be dynamically placed within a static scene. The class StaticGate inherit from the class StaticObject, so also other static objects can be added to the scene. The model loads the prefab matching the prefab_id in the folder Assets/Resources. Check the references for all functions.


To spawn a gate in a scene, you have to implement the following lines of code.

#include <Eigen/Dense>

#include "flightlib/bridges/unity_bridge.hpp"
#include "flightlib/bridges/unity_message_types.hpp"
#include "flightlib/common/types.hpp"
#include "flightlib/objects/static_gate.hpp"

using namespace flightlib;

// Initialize gates
std::string object_id = "unity_gate"; // Unique name
std::string prefab_id = "rpg_gate"; // Name of the prefab in the Assets/Resources folder
std::shared_ptr<StaticGate> gate =
  std::make_shared<StaticGate>(object_id, prefab_id);
gate->setPosition(Eigen::Vector3f(0, 10, 2.5));
  Quaternion(std::cos(0.5 * M_PI_2), 0.0, 0.0, std::sin(0.5 * M_PI_2)));

// Initialize Unity bridge
std::shared_ptr<UnityBridge> unity_bridge_ptr_;
unity_bridge_ptr_ = UnityBridge::getInstance();

// Add gates
bool unity_ready_ = unity_bridge_ptr_->connectUnity(UnityScene::WAREHOUSE);