Frequently Asked Questions

How can we get the calibration matrix?

You don’t extract the calibration matrix from Unity, instead, it is calculated on the client-side (ROS/C++).

Since both the image dimensions (width x height) and field of view (FOV) are defined by the user. (see

you can compute the focal length using this formula: f = ( image.height / 2.0 ) / tan( (M_PI * FOV/180.0 )/2.0 ) and fx=fy. Hence, the camera intrinsic matrix is [ [fx, 0, image.width/2], [0, fy, image.height/2], [0, 0, 1] ].

How can we publish an image?

Follow the example in Tutorials.

Depth image rendering format results in information loss?

The issue has been mentioned by another user, but is unfortunately still unresolved. It’s not straight forward to output images that are not in a 8-bit format.