Motion planning

In this section, we explain how to use The Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL) with Flightmare for advanced motion planning.


We followed the example of OMPL “Geometric Planning for a Rigid Body in 3D”. Here the link to the tutorial. We highly recommend first getting familiar with OMPL before trying to integrate it into your Flightmare project.

OMPL Simple Setup

Setting up geometric planning for a rigid body in 3D requires the following steps:

  • identify the space we are planning in: SE(3)

  • select a corresponding state space from the available ones, or implement one. For SE(3), the ompl::base::SE3StateSpace is appropriate.

  • since SE(3) contains an R^3 component, we need to define bounds.

  • define the notion of state validity.

  • define start states and a goal representation.

Once these steps are complete, the specification of the problem is conceptually done. The set of classes that allow the instantiation of this specification is shown below.

Using the ompl::geometric::SimpleSetup Class

Assuming the following namespace definitions:

namespace ob = ompl::base;
namespace og = ompl::geometric;

And a state validity checking function defined like this:

bool isStateValid(const ob::State *state)

We first create an instance of the state space we are planning in.

void planWithSimpleSetup()
    // construct the state space we are planning in
    auto space(std::make_shared<ob::SE3StateSpace>());

We then set the bounds for the R3 component of this state space:

ob::RealVectorBounds bounds(3);


Create an instance of ompl::geometric::SimpleSetup. Instances of ompl::base::SpaceInformation, and ompl::base::ProblemDefinition are created internally.

og::SimpleSetup ss(space);

Set the state validity checker

ss.setStateValidityChecker([](const ob::State *state) { return isStateValid(state); });

Create a random start state:

ob::ScopedState<> start(space);

And a random goal state:

ob::ScopedState<> goal(space);

Set these states as start and goal for SimpleSetup.

ss.setStartAndGoalStates(start, goal);

We can now try to solve the problem. This will also trigger a call to ompl::geometric::SimpleSetup::setup() and create a default instance of a planner, since we have not specified one. Furthermore, ompl::base::Planner::setup() is called, which in turn calls ompl::base::SpaceInformation::setup(). This chain of calls will lead to computation of runtime parameters such as the state validity checking resolution. This call returns a value from ompl::base::PlannerStatus which describes whether a solution has been found within the specified amount of time (in seconds). If this value can be cast to true, a solution was found.

ob::PlannerStatus solved = ss.solve(1.0);

If a solution has been found, we can optionally simplify it and the display it

if (solved)
    std::cout << "Found solution:" << std::endl;
    // print the path to screen

State validity checking function

A state validity function needs to be implemented. More details about how it needs to be defined can be found in the OMPL documentation. For our example, we implemented a KD-search tree and check if the point is within the range of a boundary point. If not, the point is valid and otherwise invalid.

bool motion_planning::isStateValid(const ob::State *state) {
// cast the abstract state type to the type we expect
const auto *se3state = state->as<ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType>();

// extract the first component of the state and cast it to what we expect
const auto *pos = se3state->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>(0);

// extract the second component of the state and cast it to what we expect
//  const auto *rot = se3state->as<ob::SO3StateSpace::StateType>(1);

// check validity of state defined by pos & rot
float x = pos->values[0];
float y = pos->values[1];
float z = pos->values[2];
// return a value that is always true but uses the two variables we define, so
// we avoid compiler warnings
// return isInRange(x, y, z);
Eigen::Vector3d query_pos{x, y, z};
return searchRadius(query_pos, range);

Here the helper function searchRadius.

bool motion_planning::searchRadius(const Eigen::Vector3d &query_point,
                                 const double radius) {
std::vector<int> indices;
std::vector<double> distances_squared;
kd_tree_.SearchRadius(query_point, radius, indices, distances_squared);

if (indices.size() == 0) {
  return true;

for (const auto &close_point_idx : indices) {
  // get point, check if within drone body
  Eigen::Vector3d close_point = points_.col(close_point_idx);
  // project point on each body axis and check distance
  Eigen::Vector3d close_point_body = (close_point - query_point);
  if (std::abs(close_point_body.x()) <= range &&
      std::abs(close_point_body.y()) <= range &&
      std::abs(close_point_body.z()) <= range) {
    // point is in collision
    return false;

return true;

State space bounds

// set the bounds for the R^3 part of SE(3)
ob::RealVectorBounds bounds(3);

bounds.setLow(0, min_bounds.x);
bounds.setLow(1, min_bounds.y);
bounds.setLow(2, min_bounds.z);
bounds.setHigh(0, max_bounds.x);
bounds.setHigh(1, max_bounds.y);
bounds.setHigh(2, max_bounds.z);


Follow the OMPL documentation example so that the solution can be computed.

Generate Point Cloud and visualize solution path

Create a Point Cloud

Either use the GUI or the client to generate a point cloud of your environment and save it as a .ply file. Check the page PointCloud for more details.

For the following steps, we will assume that a point cloud was successfully saved.

Read the Point Cloud

We load the point cloud with help from tinyply.h. We populate the KD-Search Tree for more a more efficient State Validity checker function.

std::vector<motion_planning::float3> motion_planning::readPointCloud() {
std::unique_ptr<std::istream> file_stream;
std::vector<uint8_t> byte_buffer;
std::string filepath =
  std::experimental::filesystem::path(__FILE__).parent_path().string() +
try {
  file_stream.reset(new std::ifstream(filepath, std::ios::binary));

  if (!file_stream || file_stream->fail())
    throw std::runtime_error("file_stream failed to open " + filepath);

  file_stream->seekg(0, std::ios::end);
  const float size_mb = file_stream->tellg() * float(1e-6);
  file_stream->seekg(0, std::ios::beg);

  PlyFile file;

  std::cout << "\t[ply_header] Type: "
            << (file.is_binary_file() ? "binary" : "ascii") << std::endl;
  for (const auto &c : file.get_comments())
    std::cout << "\t[ply_header] Comment: " << c << std::endl;
  for (const auto &c : file.get_info())
    std::cout << "\t[ply_header] Info: " << c << std::endl;

  for (const auto &e : file.get_elements()) {
    std::cout << "\t[ply_header] element: " << << " (" << e.size << ")"
              << std::endl;
    for (const auto &p : {
      std::cout << "\t[ply_header] \tproperty: " <<
                << " (type=" << tinyply::PropertyTable[p.propertyType].str
                << ")";
      if (p.isList)
        std::cout << " (list_type=" << tinyply::PropertyTable[p.listType].str
                  << ")";
      std::cout << std::endl;

  // Because most people have their own mesh types, tinyply treats parsed data
  // as structured/typed byte buffers. See examples below on how to marry your
  // own application-specific data structures with this one.
  std::shared_ptr<PlyData> vertices, normals, colors, texcoords, faces,

  // The header information can be used to programmatically extract properties
  // on elements known to exist in the header prior to reading the data. For
  // brevity of this sample, properties like vertex position are hard-coded:
  try {
    vertices =
      file.request_properties_from_element("vertex", {"x", "y", "z"});
  } catch (const std::exception &e) {
    std::cerr << "tinyply exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;

  manual_timer read_timer;


  const float parsing_time = read_timer.get() / 1000.f;
  std::cout << "\tparsing " << size_mb << "mb in " << parsing_time
            << " seconds [" << (size_mb / parsing_time) << " MBps]"
            << std::endl;

  if (vertices)
    std::cout << "\tRead " << vertices->count << " total vertices "
              << std::endl;

  const size_t numVerticesBytes = vertices->buffer.size_bytes();
  std::vector<float3> verts(vertices->count);
  std::memcpy(, vertices->buffer.get(), numVerticesBytes);

  int idx = 0;
  for (const auto &point_tinyply : verts) {
    if (idx == 0) {
      points_ = Eigen::Vector3d(static_cast<double>(point_tinyply.x),
    } else {
      points_.conservativeResize(points_.rows(), points_.cols() + 1);
      points_.col(points_.cols() - 1) =
    idx += 1;

  return verts;
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
  std::cerr << "Caught tinyply exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return verts;

Execute path

In the plan function, we solve the path planning problem and can then get the found states of the solution path. In our example, we just linearly interpolated between the states and followed those points, but you can also use the rpg_quadrotor_control library.

path_ = ss.getSolutionPath().getStates();

for (auto const &pos : path_) {

Run example

roslaunch flightros motion_planning.launch

Here the full code example

Additional script tinyply.h
 * tinyply 2.3.3 (
 * A single-header, zero-dependency (except the C++ STL) public domain
 * implementation of the PLY mesh file format. Requires C++11; errors are
 * handled through exceptions.
 * This software is in the public domain. Where that dedication is not
 * recognized, you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy,
 * distribute, and modify this file as you see fit.
 * Authored by Dimitri Diakopoulos (
 * tinyply.h may be included in many files, however in a single compiled file,
 * the implementation must be created with the following defined prior to header
 * inclusion #define TINYPLY_IMPLEMENTATION

//   tinyply header   //

#ifndef tinyply_h
#define tinyply_h

#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>

namespace tinyply {

enum class Type : uint8_t {

struct PropertyInfo {
  PropertyInfo(int stride, std::string str) : stride(stride), str(str) {}
  int stride{0};
  std::string str;

static std::map<Type, PropertyInfo> PropertyTable{
  {Type::INT8, PropertyInfo(1, std::string("char"))},
  {Type::UINT8, PropertyInfo(1, std::string("uchar"))},
  {Type::INT16, PropertyInfo(2, std::string("short"))},
  {Type::UINT16, PropertyInfo(2, std::string("ushort"))},
  {Type::INT32, PropertyInfo(4, std::string("int"))},
  {Type::UINT32, PropertyInfo(4, std::string("uint"))},
  {Type::FLOAT32, PropertyInfo(4, std::string("float"))},
  {Type::FLOAT64, PropertyInfo(8, std::string("double"))},
  {Type::INVALID, PropertyInfo(0, std::string("INVALID"))}};

class Buffer {
  uint8_t *alias{nullptr};
  struct delete_array {
    void operator()(uint8_t *p) { delete[] p; }
  std::unique_ptr<uint8_t, decltype(Buffer::delete_array())> data;
  size_t size{0};

  Buffer(const size_t size)
    : data(new uint8_t[size], delete_array()), size(size) {
    alias = data.get();
  }  // allocating
  Buffer(const uint8_t *ptr)
    : alias(const_cast<uint8_t *>(ptr)) {}  // non-allocating, todo: set size?
  uint8_t *get() { return alias; }
  const uint8_t *get_const() { return const_cast<const uint8_t *>(alias); }
  size_t size_bytes() const { return size; }

struct PlyData {
  Type t;
  Buffer buffer;
  size_t count{0};
  bool isList{false};

struct PlyProperty {
  PlyProperty(std::istream &is);
  PlyProperty(Type type, std::string &_name)
    : name(_name), propertyType(type) {}
  PlyProperty(Type list_type, Type prop_type, std::string &_name,
              size_t list_count)
    : name(_name),
      listCount(list_count) {}
  std::string name;
  Type propertyType{Type::INVALID};
  bool isList{false};
  Type listType{Type::INVALID};
  size_t listCount{0};

struct PlyElement {
  PlyElement(std::istream &istream);
  PlyElement(const std::string &_name, size_t count)
    : name(_name), size(count) {}
  std::string name;
  size_t size{0};
  std::vector<PlyProperty> properties;

struct PlyFile {
  struct PlyFileImpl;
  std::unique_ptr<PlyFileImpl> impl;


   * The ply format requires an ascii header. This can be used to determine at
   * runtime which properties or elements exist in the file. Limited validation
   * of the header is performed; it is assumed the header correctly reflects the
   * contents of the payload. This function may throw. Returns true on success,
   * false on failure.
  bool parse_header(std::istream &is);

   * Execute a read operation. Data must be requested via
   * `request_properties_from_element(...)` prior to calling this function.
  void read(std::istream &is);

   * `write` performs no validation and assumes that the data passed into
   * `add_properties_to_element` is well-formed.
  void write(std::ostream &os, bool isBinary);

   * These functions are valid after a call to `parse_header(...)`. In the case
   * of writing, get_comments() reference may also be used to add new comments
   * to the ply header.
  std::vector<PlyElement> get_elements() const;
  std::vector<std::string> get_info() const;
  std::vector<std::string> &get_comments();
  bool is_binary_file() const;

   * In the general case where |list_size_hint| is zero, `read` performs a
   * two-pass parse to support variable length lists. The most general use of
   * the ply format is storing triangle meshes. When this fact is known
   * a-priori, we can pass an expected list length that will apply to this
   * element. Doing so results in an up-front memory allocation and a
   * single-pass import, a 2x performance optimization.
  std::shared_ptr<PlyData> request_properties_from_element(
    const std::string &elementKey, const std::vector<std::string> propertyKeys,
    const uint32_t list_size_hint = 0);

  void add_properties_to_element(const std::string &elementKey,
                                 const std::vector<std::string> propertyKeys,
                                 const Type type, const size_t count,
                                 const uint8_t *data, const Type listType,
                                 const size_t listCount);

}  // end namespace tinyply

#endif  // end tinyply_h

//   tinyply implementation   //


#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>

using namespace tinyply;
using namespace std;

template<typename T, typename T2>
inline T2 endian_swap(const T &v) noexcept {
  return v;
inline uint16_t endian_swap<uint16_t, uint16_t>(const uint16_t &v) noexcept {
  return (v << 8) | (v >> 8);
inline uint32_t endian_swap<uint32_t, uint32_t>(const uint32_t &v) noexcept {
  return (v << 24) | ((v << 8) & 0x00ff0000) | ((v >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) |
         (v >> 24);
inline uint64_t endian_swap<uint64_t, uint64_t>(const uint64_t &v) noexcept {
  return (
    ((v & 0x00000000000000ffLL) << 56) | ((v & 0x000000000000ff00LL) << 40) |
    ((v & 0x0000000000ff0000LL) << 24) | ((v & 0x00000000ff000000LL) << 8) |
    ((v & 0x000000ff00000000LL) >> 8) | ((v & 0x0000ff0000000000LL) >> 24) |
    ((v & 0x00ff000000000000LL) >> 40) | ((v & 0xff00000000000000LL) >> 56));
inline int16_t endian_swap<int16_t, int16_t>(const int16_t &v) noexcept {
  uint16_t r = endian_swap<uint16_t, uint16_t>(*(uint16_t *)&v);
  return *(int16_t *)&r;
inline int32_t endian_swap<int32_t, int32_t>(const int32_t &v) noexcept {
  uint32_t r = endian_swap<uint32_t, uint32_t>(*(uint32_t *)&v);
  return *(int32_t *)&r;
inline int64_t endian_swap<int64_t, int64_t>(const int64_t &v) noexcept {
  uint64_t r = endian_swap<uint64_t, uint64_t>(*(uint64_t *)&v);
  return *(int64_t *)&r;
inline float endian_swap<uint32_t, float>(const uint32_t &v) noexcept {
  union {
    float f;
    uint32_t i;
  i = endian_swap<uint32_t, uint32_t>(v);
  return f;
inline double endian_swap<uint64_t, double>(const uint64_t &v) noexcept {
  union {
    double d;
    uint64_t i;
  i = endian_swap<uint64_t, uint64_t>(v);
  return d;

inline uint32_t hash_fnv1a(const std::string &str) noexcept {
  static const uint32_t fnv1aBase32 = 0x811C9DC5u;
  static const uint32_t fnv1aPrime32 = 0x01000193u;
  uint32_t result = fnv1aBase32;
  for (auto &c : str) {
    result ^= static_cast<uint32_t>(c);
    result *= fnv1aPrime32;
  return result;

inline Type property_type_from_string(const std::string &t) noexcept {
  if (t == "int8" || t == "char")
    return Type::INT8;
  else if (t == "uint8" || t == "uchar")
    return Type::UINT8;
  else if (t == "int16" || t == "short")
    return Type::INT16;
  else if (t == "uint16" || t == "ushort")
    return Type::UINT16;
  else if (t == "int32" || t == "int")
    return Type::INT32;
  else if (t == "uint32" || t == "uint")
    return Type::UINT32;
  else if (t == "float32" || t == "float")
    return Type::FLOAT32;
  else if (t == "float64" || t == "double")
    return Type::FLOAT64;
  return Type::INVALID;

struct PlyFile::PlyFileImpl {
  struct PlyDataCursor {
    size_t byteOffset{0};
    size_t totalSizeBytes{0};

  struct ParsingHelper {
    std::shared_ptr<PlyData> data;
    std::shared_ptr<PlyDataCursor> cursor;
    uint32_t list_size_hint;

  struct PropertyLookup {
    ParsingHelper *helper{nullptr};
    bool skip{false};
    size_t prop_stride{0};  // precomputed
    size_t list_stride{0};  // precomputed

  std::unordered_map<uint32_t, ParsingHelper> userData;

  bool isBinary = false;
  bool isBigEndian = false;
  std::vector<PlyElement> elements;
  std::vector<std::string> comments;
  std::vector<std::string> objInfo;
  uint8_t scratch[64];  // large enough for max list size

  void read(std::istream &is);
  void write(std::ostream &os, bool isBinary);

  std::shared_ptr<PlyData> request_properties_from_element(
    const std::string &elementKey, const std::vector<std::string> propertyKeys,
    const uint32_t list_size_hint);

  void add_properties_to_element(const std::string &elementKey,
                                 const std::vector<std::string> propertyKeys,
                                 const Type type, const size_t count,
                                 const uint8_t *data, const Type listType,
                                 const size_t listCount);

  size_t read_property_binary(const size_t &stride, void *dest,
                              size_t &destOffset, std::istream &is) noexcept;
  size_t read_property_ascii(const Type &t, const size_t &stride, void *dest,
                             size_t &destOffset, std::istream &is);

  std::vector<std::vector<PropertyLookup>> make_property_lookup_table();

  bool parse_header(std::istream &is);
  void parse_data(std::istream &is, bool firstPass);
  void read_header_format(std::istream &is);
  void read_header_element(std::istream &is);
  void read_header_property(std::istream &is);
  void read_header_text(std::string line, std::vector<std::string> &place,
                        int erase = 0);

  void write_header(std::ostream &os) noexcept;
  void write_ascii_internal(std::ostream &os) noexcept;
  void write_binary_internal(std::ostream &os) noexcept;
  void write_property_ascii(Type t, std::ostream &os, const uint8_t *src,
                            size_t &srcOffset);
  void write_property_binary(std::ostream &os, const uint8_t *src,
                             size_t &srcOffset, const size_t &stride) noexcept;

PlyProperty::PlyProperty(std::istream &is) : isList(false) {
  std::string type;
  is >> type;
  if (type == "list") {
    std::string countType;
    is >> countType >> type;
    listType = property_type_from_string(countType);
    isList = true;
  propertyType = property_type_from_string(type);
  is >> name;

PlyElement::PlyElement(std::istream &is) { is >> name >> size; }

template<typename T>
inline T ply_read_ascii(std::istream &is) {
  T data;
  is >> data;
  return data;

template<typename T, typename T2>
inline void endian_swap_buffer(uint8_t *data_ptr, const size_t num_bytes,
                               const size_t stride) {
  for (size_t count = 0; count < num_bytes; count += stride) {
    *(reinterpret_cast<T2 *>(data_ptr)) =
      endian_swap<T, T2>(*(reinterpret_cast<const T *>(data_ptr)));
    data_ptr += stride;

template<typename T>
void ply_cast_ascii(void *dest, std::istream &is) {
  *(static_cast<T *>(dest)) = ply_read_ascii<T>(is);

int64_t find_element(const std::string &key,
                     const std::vector<PlyElement> &list) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
    if (list[i].name == key) return i;
  return -1;

int64_t find_property(const std::string &key,
                      const std::vector<PlyProperty> &list) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
    if (list[i].name == key) return i;
  return -1;

// The `userData` table is an easy data structure for capturing what data the
// user would like out of the ply file, but an inner-loop hash lookup is
// non-ideal. The property lookup table flattens the table down into a 2D array
// optimized for parsing. The first index is the element, and the second index
// is the property.
PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::make_property_lookup_table() {
  std::vector<std::vector<PropertyLookup>> element_property_lookup;

  for (auto &element : elements) {
    std::vector<PropertyLookup> lookups;

    for (auto &property : {
      PropertyLookup f;

      auto cursorIt = userData.find(hash_fnv1a( +;
      if (cursorIt != userData.end())
        f.helper = &cursorIt->second;
        f.skip = true;

      f.prop_stride = PropertyTable[property.propertyType].stride;
      if (property.isList)
        f.list_stride = PropertyTable[property.listType].stride;



  return element_property_lookup;

bool PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::parse_header(std::istream &is) {
  std::string line;
  bool success = true;
  while (std::getline(is, line)) {
    std::istringstream ls(line);
    std::string token;
    ls >> token;
    if (token == "ply" || token == "PLY" || token == "")
    else if (token == "comment")
      read_header_text(line, comments, 8);
    else if (token == "format")
    else if (token == "element")
    else if (token == "property")
    else if (token == "obj_info")
      read_header_text(line, objInfo, 9);
    else if (token == "end_header")
      success = false;  // unexpected header field
  return success;

void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::read_header_text(std::string line,
                                            std::vector<std::string> &place,
                                            int erase) {
  place.push_back((erase > 0) ? line.erase(0, erase) : line);

void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::read_header_format(std::istream &is) {
  std::string s;
  (is >> s);
  if (s == "binary_little_endian")
    isBinary = true;
  else if (s == "binary_big_endian")
    isBinary = isBigEndian = true;

void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::read_header_element(std::istream &is) {

void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::read_header_property(std::istream &is) {
  if (!elements.size())
    throw std::runtime_error("no elements defined; file is malformed");

size_t PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::read_property_binary(const size_t &stride,
                                                  void *dest,
                                                  size_t &destOffset,
                                                  std::istream &is) noexcept {
  destOffset += stride; *)dest, stride);
  return stride;

size_t PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::read_property_ascii(const Type &t,
                                                 const size_t &stride,
                                                 void *dest, size_t &destOffset,
                                                 std::istream &is) {
  destOffset += stride;
  switch (t) {
    case Type::INT8:
      *((int8_t *)dest) = static_cast<int8_t>(ply_read_ascii<int32_t>(is));
    case Type::UINT8:
      *((uint8_t *)dest) = static_cast<uint8_t>(ply_read_ascii<uint32_t>(is));
    case Type::INT16:
      ply_cast_ascii<int16_t>(dest, is);
    case Type::UINT16:
      ply_cast_ascii<uint16_t>(dest, is);
    case Type::INT32:
      ply_cast_ascii<int32_t>(dest, is);
    case Type::UINT32:
      ply_cast_ascii<uint32_t>(dest, is);
    case Type::FLOAT32:
      ply_cast_ascii<float>(dest, is);
    case Type::FLOAT64:
      ply_cast_ascii<double>(dest, is);
    case Type::INVALID:
      throw std::invalid_argument("invalid ply property");
  return stride;

void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::write_property_ascii(Type t, std::ostream &os,
                                                const uint8_t *src,
                                                size_t &srcOffset) {
  switch (t) {
    case Type::INT8:
      os << static_cast<int32_t>(*reinterpret_cast<const int8_t *>(src));
    case Type::UINT8:
      os << static_cast<uint32_t>(*reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(src));
    case Type::INT16:
      os << *reinterpret_cast<const int16_t *>(src);
    case Type::UINT16:
      os << *reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t *>(src);
    case Type::INT32:
      os << *reinterpret_cast<const int32_t *>(src);
    case Type::UINT32:
      os << *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t *>(src);
    case Type::FLOAT32:
      os << *reinterpret_cast<const float *>(src);
    case Type::FLOAT64:
      os << *reinterpret_cast<const double *>(src);
    case Type::INVALID:
      throw std::invalid_argument("invalid ply property");
  os << " ";
  srcOffset += PropertyTable[t].stride;

void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::write_property_binary(
  std::ostream &os, const uint8_t *src, size_t &srcOffset,
  const size_t &stride) noexcept {
  os.write((char *)src, stride);
  srcOffset += stride;

void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::read(std::istream &is) {
  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PlyData>> buffers;
  for (auto &entry : userData) buffers.push_back(;

  // Discover if we can allocate up front without parsing the file twice
  uint32_t list_hints = 0;
  for (auto &b : buffers)
    for (auto &entry : userData) {
      list_hints += entry.second.list_size_hint;

  // No list hints? Then we need to calculate how much memory to allocate
  if (list_hints == 0) {
    parse_data(is, true);

  // Count the number of properties (required for allocation)
  // e.g. if we have properties x y and z requested, we ensure
  // that their buffer points to the same PlyData
  std::unordered_map<PlyData *, int32_t> unique_data_count;
  for (auto &ptr : buffers) unique_data_count[ptr.get()] += 1;

  // Since group-requested properties share the same cursor,
  // we need to find unique cursors so we only allocate once
  std::sort(buffers.begin(), buffers.end());
  buffers.erase(std::unique(buffers.begin(), buffers.end()), buffers.end());

  // We sorted by ptrs on PlyData, need to remap back onto its cursor in the
  // userData table
  for (auto &b : buffers) {
    for (auto &entry : userData) {
      if ( == b && b->buffer.get() == nullptr) {
        // If we didn't receive any list hints, it means we did two passes over
        // the file to compute the total length of all (potentially)
        // variable-length lists
        if (list_hints == 0) {
          b->buffer = Buffer(entry.second.cursor->totalSizeBytes);
        } else {
          // otherwise, we can allocate up front, skipping the first pass.
          const size_t list_size_multiplier =
            (>isList ? entry.second.list_size_hint : 1);
          auto bytes_per_property =>count *
                                    PropertyTable[>t].stride *
          bytes_per_property *= unique_data_count[b.get()];
          b->buffer = Buffer(bytes_per_property);

  // Populate the data
  parse_data(is, false);

  // In-place big-endian to little-endian swapping if required
  if (isBigEndian) {
    for (auto &b : buffers) {
      uint8_t *data_ptr = b->buffer.get();
      const size_t stride = PropertyTable[b->t].stride;
      const size_t buffer_size_bytes = b->buffer.size_bytes();

      switch (b->t) {
        case Type::INT16:
          endian_swap_buffer<int16_t, int16_t>(data_ptr, buffer_size_bytes,
        case Type::UINT16:
          endian_swap_buffer<uint16_t, uint16_t>(data_ptr, buffer_size_bytes,
        case Type::INT32:
          endian_swap_buffer<int32_t, int32_t>(data_ptr, buffer_size_bytes,
        case Type::UINT32:
          endian_swap_buffer<uint32_t, uint32_t>(data_ptr, buffer_size_bytes,
        case Type::FLOAT32:
          endian_swap_buffer<uint32_t, float>(data_ptr, buffer_size_bytes,
        case Type::FLOAT64:
          endian_swap_buffer<uint64_t, double>(data_ptr, buffer_size_bytes,

void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::write(std::ostream &os, bool _isBinary) {
  for (auto &d : userData) {
    d.second.cursor->byteOffset = 0;
  if (_isBinary) {
    isBinary = true;
    isBigEndian = false;
  } else {
    isBinary = false;
    isBigEndian = false;

void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::write_binary_internal(std::ostream &os) noexcept {
  isBinary = true;


  uint8_t listSize[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
  size_t dummyCount = 0;

  auto element_property_lookup = make_property_lookup_table();

  size_t element_idx = 0;
  for (auto &e : elements) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < e.size; ++i) {
      size_t property_index = 0;
      for (auto &p : {
        auto &f = element_property_lookup[element_idx][property_index];
        auto *helper = f.helper;
        if (f.skip || helper == nullptr) continue;

        if (p.isList) {
          std::memcpy(listSize, &p.listCount, sizeof(uint32_t));
          write_property_binary(os, listSize, dummyCount, f.list_stride);
            os, (helper->data->buffer.get_const() + helper->cursor->byteOffset),
            helper->cursor->byteOffset, f.prop_stride * p.listCount);
        } else {
            os, (helper->data->buffer.get_const() + helper->cursor->byteOffset),
            helper->cursor->byteOffset, f.prop_stride);

void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::write_ascii_internal(std::ostream &os) noexcept {

  auto element_property_lookup = make_property_lookup_table();

  size_t element_idx = 0;
  for (auto &e : elements) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < e.size; ++i) {
      size_t property_index = 0;
      for (auto &p : {
        auto &f = element_property_lookup[element_idx][property_index];
        auto *helper = f.helper;
        if (f.skip || helper == nullptr) continue;

        if (p.isList) {
          os << p.listCount << " ";
          for (size_t j = 0; j < p.listCount; ++j) {
              p.propertyType, os,
              (helper->data->buffer.get() + helper->cursor->byteOffset),
        } else {
            p.propertyType, os,
            (helper->data->buffer.get() + helper->cursor->byteOffset),
      os << "\n";

void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::write_header(std::ostream &os) noexcept {
  const std::locale &fixLoc = std::locale("C");

  os << "ply\n";
  if (isBinary)
    os << ((isBigEndian) ? "format binary_big_endian 1.0"
                         : "format binary_little_endian 1.0")
       << "\n";
    os << "format ascii 1.0\n";

  for (const auto &comment : comments) os << "comment " << comment << "\n";

  auto property_lookup = make_property_lookup_table();

  size_t element_idx = 0;
  for (auto &e : elements) {
    os << "element " << << " " << e.size << "\n";
    size_t property_idx = 0;
    for (const auto &p : {
      PropertyLookup &lookup = property_lookup[element_idx][property_idx];

      if (!lookup.skip) {
        if (p.isList) {
          os << "property list " << PropertyTable[p.listType].str << " "
             << PropertyTable[p.propertyType].str << " " << << "\n";
        } else {
          os << "property " << PropertyTable[p.propertyType].str << " "
             << << "\n";
  os << "end_header\n";

std::shared_ptr<PlyData> PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::request_properties_from_element(
  const std::string &elementKey, const std::vector<std::string> propertyKeys,
  const uint32_t list_size_hint) {
  if (elements.empty())
    throw std::runtime_error("header had no elements defined. malformed file?");
  if (elementKey.empty())
    throw std::invalid_argument("`elementKey` argument is empty");
  if (propertyKeys.empty())
    throw std::invalid_argument("`propertyKeys` argument is empty");

  std::shared_ptr<PlyData> out_data = std::make_shared<PlyData>();

  const int64_t elementIndex = find_element(elementKey, elements);

  std::vector<std::string> keys_not_found;

  // Sanity check if the user requested element is in the pre-parsed header
  if (elementIndex >= 0) {
    // We found the element
    const PlyElement &element = elements[elementIndex];

    // Each key in `propertyKey` gets an entry into the userData map (keyed by a
    // hash of element name and property name), but groups of properties
    // (requested from the public api through this function) all share the same
    // `ParsingHelper`. When it comes time to .read(), we check the number of
    // unique PlyData shared pointers and allocate a single buffer that will be
    // used by each property key group. That way, properties like, {"x", "y",
    // "z"} will all be put into the same buffer.

    ParsingHelper helper; = out_data;>count = element.size;  // how many items are in the element?>isList = false;>t = Type::INVALID;
    helper.cursor = std::make_shared<PlyDataCursor>();
    helper.list_size_hint = list_size_hint;

    // Find each of the keys
    for (const auto &key : propertyKeys) {
      const int64_t propertyIndex = find_property(key,;
      if (propertyIndex < 0) keys_not_found.push_back(key);

    if (keys_not_found.size()) {
      std::stringstream ss;
      for (auto &str : keys_not_found) ss << str << ", ";
      throw std::invalid_argument(
        "the following property keys were not found in the header: " +

    for (const auto &key : propertyKeys) {
      const int64_t propertyIndex = find_property(key,;
      const PlyProperty &property =[propertyIndex];>t = property.propertyType;>isList = property.isList;
      auto result = userData.insert(std::pair<uint32_t, ParsingHelper>(
        hash_fnv1a( +, helper));
      if (result.second == false) {
        throw std::invalid_argument(
          "element-property key has already been requested: " + +
          " " +;

    // Sanity check that all properties share the same type
    std::vector<Type> propertyTypes;
    for (const auto &key : propertyKeys) {
      const int64_t propertyIndex = find_property(key,;
      const PlyProperty &property =[propertyIndex];

    if (std::adjacent_find(propertyTypes.begin(), propertyTypes.end(),
                           std::not_equal_to<Type>()) != propertyTypes.end()) {
      throw std::invalid_argument(
        "all requested properties must share the same type.");
  } else
    throw std::invalid_argument(
      "the element key was not found in the header: " + elementKey);

  return out_data;

void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::add_properties_to_element(
  const std::string &elementKey, const std::vector<std::string> propertyKeys,
  const Type type, const size_t count, const uint8_t *data, const Type listType,
  const size_t listCount) {
  ParsingHelper helper; = std::make_shared<PlyData>();>count = count;>t = type;>buffer =
    Buffer(data);  // we should also set size for safety reasons
  helper.cursor = std::make_shared<PlyDataCursor>();

  auto create_property_on_element = [&](PlyElement &e) {
    for (auto key : propertyKeys) {
      PlyProperty newProp = (listType == Type::INVALID)
                              ? PlyProperty(type, key)
                              : PlyProperty(listType, type, key, listCount);
      userData.insert(std::pair<uint32_t, ParsingHelper>(
        hash_fnv1a(elementKey + key), helper));;

  const int64_t idx = find_element(elementKey, elements);
  if (idx >= 0) {
    PlyElement &e = elements[idx];
  } else {
    PlyElement newElement = (listType == Type::INVALID)
                              ? PlyElement(elementKey, count)
                              : PlyElement(elementKey, count);

void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::parse_data(std::istream &is, bool firstPass) {
  std::function<void(PropertyLookup & f, const PlyProperty &p, uint8_t *dest,
                     size_t &destOffset, std::istream &is)>
  std::function<size_t(PropertyLookup & f, const PlyProperty &p,
                       std::istream &is)>

  const auto start = is.tellg();

  uint32_t listSize = 0;
  size_t dummyCount = 0;
  std::string skip_ascii_buffer;

  // Special case mirroring read_property_binary but for list types; this
  // has an additional big endian check to flip the data in place immediately
  // after reading. We do this as a performance optimization; endian flipping is
  // done on regular properties as a post-process after reading (also for
  // optimization) but we need the correct little-endian list count as we read
  // the file.
  auto read_list_binary = [this](const Type &t, void *dst, size_t &destOffset,
                                 const size_t &stride,
                                 std::istream &_is) noexcept {
    destOffset += stride; *)dst, stride);

    if (isBigEndian) {
      switch (t) {
        case Type::INT16:
          *(int16_t *)dst = endian_swap<int16_t, int16_t>(*(int16_t *)dst);
        case Type::UINT16:
          *(uint16_t *)dst = endian_swap<uint16_t, uint16_t>(*(uint16_t *)dst);
        case Type::INT32:
          *(int32_t *)dst = endian_swap<int32_t, int32_t>(*(int32_t *)dst);
        case Type::UINT32:
          *(uint32_t *)dst = endian_swap<uint32_t, uint32_t>(*(uint32_t *)dst);

    return stride;

  if (isBinary) {
    read = [ this, &listSize, &dummyCount, &read_list_binary ](
      PropertyLookup & f, const PlyProperty &p, uint8_t *dest,
      size_t &destOffset, std::istream &_is) noexcept {
      if (!p.isList) {
        return read_property_binary(f.prop_stride, dest + destOffset,
                                    destOffset, _is);
      read_list_binary(p.listType, &listSize, dummyCount, f.list_stride,
                       _is);  // the list size
      return read_property_binary(f.prop_stride * listSize, dest + destOffset,
                                  destOffset, _is);  // properties in list
    skip = [ this, &listSize, &dummyCount, &read_list_binary ](
      PropertyLookup & f, const PlyProperty &p, std::istream &_is) noexcept {
      if (!p.isList) { *)scratch, f.prop_stride);
        return f.prop_stride;
      read_list_binary(p.listType, &listSize, dummyCount, f.list_stride,
                       _is);  // the list size (does not count for memory alloc)
      auto bytes_to_skip = f.prop_stride * listSize;
      return bytes_to_skip;
  } else {
    read = [ this, &listSize, &dummyCount ](
      PropertyLookup & f, const PlyProperty &p, uint8_t *dest,
      size_t &destOffset, std::istream &_is) noexcept {
      if (!p.isList) {
        read_property_ascii(p.propertyType, f.prop_stride, dest + destOffset,
                            destOffset, _is);
      } else {
        read_property_ascii(p.listType, f.list_stride, &listSize, dummyCount,
                            _is);  // the list size
        for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; ++i) {
          read_property_ascii(p.propertyType, f.prop_stride, dest + destOffset,
                              destOffset, _is);
    skip = [ this, &listSize, &dummyCount, &skip_ascii_buffer ](
      PropertyLookup & f, const PlyProperty &p, std::istream &_is) noexcept {
      if (p.isList) {
          p.listType, f.list_stride, &listSize, dummyCount,
          _is);  // the list size (does not count for memory alloc)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; ++i)
          _is >> skip_ascii_buffer;  // properties in list
        return listSize * f.prop_stride;
      _is >> skip_ascii_buffer;
      return f.prop_stride;

  std::vector<std::vector<PropertyLookup>> element_property_lookup =
  size_t element_idx = 0;
  size_t property_idx = 0;
  ParsingHelper *helper{nullptr};

  // This is the inner import loop
  for (auto &element : elements) {
    for (size_t count = 0; count < element.size; ++count) {
      property_idx = 0;
      for (auto &property : {
        PropertyLookup &lookup =

        if (!lookup.skip) {
          helper = lookup.helper;
          if (firstPass) {
            helper->cursor->totalSizeBytes += skip(lookup, property, is);

            // These lines will be changed when tinyply supports
            // variable length lists. We add it here so our header data
            // structure contains enough info to write it back out again (e.g.
            // transcoding).
            if (property.listCount == 0) property.listCount = listSize;
            if (property.listCount != listSize)
              throw std::runtime_error(
                "variable length lists are not supported yet.");
          } else {
            read(lookup, property, helper->data->buffer.get(),
                 helper->cursor->byteOffset, is);
        } else {
          skip(lookup, property, is);

  // Reset istream position to the start of the data
  if (firstPass) is.seekg(start, is.beg);

// Wrap the public interface:

PlyFile::PlyFile() { impl.reset(new PlyFileImpl()); }
PlyFile::~PlyFile() {}
bool PlyFile::parse_header(std::istream &is) { return impl->parse_header(is); }
void PlyFile::read(std::istream &is) { return impl->read(is); }
void PlyFile::write(std::ostream &os, bool isBinary) {
  return impl->write(os, isBinary);
std::vector<PlyElement> PlyFile::get_elements() const { return impl->elements; }
std::vector<std::string> &PlyFile::get_comments() { return impl->comments; }
std::vector<std::string> PlyFile::get_info() const { return impl->objInfo; }
bool PlyFile::is_binary_file() const { return impl->isBinary; }
std::shared_ptr<PlyData> PlyFile::request_properties_from_element(
  const std::string &elementKey, const std::vector<std::string> propertyKeys,
  const uint32_t list_size_hint) {
  return impl->request_properties_from_element(elementKey, propertyKeys,
void PlyFile::add_properties_to_element(
  const std::string &elementKey, const std::vector<std::string> propertyKeys,
  const Type type, const size_t count, const uint8_t *data, const Type listType,
  const size_t listCount) {
  return impl->add_properties_to_element(elementKey, propertyKeys, type, count,
                                         data, listType, listCount);



#include "flightros/motion_planning/motion_planning.hpp"



namespace ob = ompl::base;
namespace og = ompl::geometric;
using namespace tinyply;

std::vector<motion_planning::float3> motion_planning::readPointCloud() {
  std::unique_ptr<std::istream> file_stream;
  std::vector<uint8_t> byte_buffer;
  std::string filepath =
    std::experimental::filesystem::path(__FILE__).parent_path().string() +
  try {
    file_stream.reset(new std::ifstream(filepath, std::ios::binary));

    if (!file_stream || file_stream->fail())
      throw std::runtime_error("file_stream failed to open " + filepath);

    file_stream->seekg(0, std::ios::end);
    const float size_mb = file_stream->tellg() * float(1e-6);
    file_stream->seekg(0, std::ios::beg);

    PlyFile file;

    std::cout << "\t[ply_header] Type: "
              << (file.is_binary_file() ? "binary" : "ascii") << std::endl;
    for (const auto &c : file.get_comments())
      std::cout << "\t[ply_header] Comment: " << c << std::endl;
    for (const auto &c : file.get_info())
      std::cout << "\t[ply_header] Info: " << c << std::endl;

    for (const auto &e : file.get_elements()) {
      std::cout << "\t[ply_header] element: " << << " (" << e.size << ")"
                << std::endl;
      for (const auto &p : {
        std::cout << "\t[ply_header] \tproperty: " <<
                  << " (type=" << tinyply::PropertyTable[p.propertyType].str
                  << ")";
        if (p.isList)
          std::cout << " (list_type=" << tinyply::PropertyTable[p.listType].str
                    << ")";
        std::cout << std::endl;

    // Because most people have their own mesh types, tinyply treats parsed data
    // as structured/typed byte buffers. See examples below on how to marry your
    // own application-specific data structures with this one.
    std::shared_ptr<PlyData> vertices, normals, colors, texcoords, faces,

    // The header information can be used to programmatically extract properties
    // on elements known to exist in the header prior to reading the data. For
    // brevity of this sample, properties like vertex position are hard-coded:
    try {
      vertices =
        file.request_properties_from_element("vertex", {"x", "y", "z"});
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
      std::cerr << "tinyply exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;

    manual_timer read_timer;


    const float parsing_time = read_timer.get() / 1000.f;
    std::cout << "\tparsing " << size_mb << "mb in " << parsing_time
              << " seconds [" << (size_mb / parsing_time) << " MBps]"
              << std::endl;

    if (vertices)
      std::cout << "\tRead " << vertices->count << " total vertices "
                << std::endl;

    const size_t numVerticesBytes = vertices->buffer.size_bytes();
    std::vector<float3> verts(vertices->count);
    std::memcpy(, vertices->buffer.get(), numVerticesBytes);

    int idx = 0;
    for (const auto &point_tinyply : verts) {
      if (idx == 0) {
        points_ = Eigen::Vector3d(static_cast<double>(point_tinyply.x),
      } else {
        points_.conservativeResize(points_.rows(), points_.cols() + 1);
        points_.col(points_.cols() - 1) =
      idx += 1;

    return verts;
  } catch (const std::exception &e) {
    std::cerr << "Caught tinyply exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
  return verts;

void motion_planning::getBounds() {
  min_bounds = verts[0];
  max_bounds = verts[0];

  for (const auto &ver : verts) {
    if (ver.x < min_bounds.x) {
      min_bounds.x = ver.x;

    if (ver.x > max_bounds.x) {
      max_bounds.x = ver.x;

    if (ver.y < min_bounds.y) {
      min_bounds.y = ver.y;

    if (ver.y > max_bounds.y) {
      max_bounds.y = ver.y;

    if (ver.z > max_bounds.z) {
      max_bounds.z = ver.z;

void motion_planning::plan() {
  // construct the state space we are planning in
  auto space(std::make_shared<ob::SE3StateSpace>());

  // set the bounds for the R^3 part of SE(3)
  ob::RealVectorBounds bounds(3);

  bounds.setLow(0, min_bounds.x);
  bounds.setLow(1, min_bounds.y);
  bounds.setLow(2, min_bounds.z);
  bounds.setHigh(0, max_bounds.x);
  bounds.setHigh(1, max_bounds.y);
  bounds.setHigh(2, max_bounds.z);


  // define a simple setup class
  og::SimpleSetup ss(space);

  // set state validity checking for this space
    [](const ob::State *state) { return isStateValid(state); });

  // create a random start state
  ob::ScopedState<> start(space);

  // create a random goal state
  ob::ScopedState<> goal(space);

  // set the start and goal states
  ss.setStartAndGoalStates(start, goal);

  // this call is optional, but we put it in to get more output information

  // attempt to solve the problem within one second of planning time
  ob::PlannerStatus solved = ss.solve(1.0);

  if (solved) {
    std::cout << "Found solution:" << std::endl;

    ob::PlannerData pd(ss.getSpaceInformation());
    /** backup cout buffer and redirect to path.txt **/
    std::ofstream out0(
      std::experimental::filesystem::path(__FILE__).parent_path().string() +
    auto *coutbuf0 = std::cout.rdbuf();

    unsigned int num_vertices = pd.numVertices();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) {
      Eigen::Vector3d p = stateToEigen(pd.getVertex(i).getState());
      std::cout << p.x() << " " << p.y() << " " << p.z() << " " << std::endl;

    /** reset cout buffer **/

    /** backup cout buffer and redirect to path.txt **/
    std::ofstream out00(
      std::experimental::filesystem::path(__FILE__).parent_path().string() +
    auto *coutbuf00 = std::cout.rdbuf();

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_vertices; i++) {
      std::vector<unsigned int> e;
      pd.getEdges(i, e);
      for (const auto &j : e) {
        std::cout << i << " " << j << " " << std::endl;

    /** reset cout buffer **/

    // save solution in solution_path.txt
    /** backup cout buffer and redirect to path.txt **/
    std::ofstream out(
      std::experimental::filesystem::path(__FILE__).parent_path().string() +
    auto *coutbuf = std::cout.rdbuf();
    /** reset cout buffer **/
    path_ = ss.getSolutionPath().getStates();
    for (auto const &pos : path_) {

    if (path_.size() > 1) {
      solution_found = true;
  } else
    std::cout << "No solution found" << std::endl;

Eigen::Vector3d motion_planning::stateToEigen(const ompl::base::State *state) {
  // cast the abstract state type to the type we expect
  const auto *se3state = state->as<ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType>();

  // extract the first component of the state and cast it to what we expect
  const auto *pos = se3state->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>(0);

  // extract the second component of the state and cast it to what we expect
  //  const auto *rot = se3state->as<ob::SO3StateSpace::StateType>(1);

  // check validity of state defined by pos & rot
  float x = pos->values[0];
  float y = pos->values[1];
  float z = pos->values[2];

  // return a value that is always true but uses the two variables we define, so
  // we avoid compiler warnings
  // return isInRange(x, y, z);
  Eigen::Vector3d query_pos{x, y, z};
  return query_pos;

bool motion_planning::isStateValid(const ob::State *state) {
  // cast the abstract state type to the type we expect
  const auto *se3state = state->as<ob::SE3StateSpace::StateType>();

  // extract the first component of the state and cast it to what we expect
  const auto *pos = se3state->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>(0);

  // extract the second component of the state and cast it to what we expect
  //  const auto *rot = se3state->as<ob::SO3StateSpace::StateType>(1);

  // check validity of state defined by pos & rot
  float x = pos->values[0];
  float y = pos->values[1];
  float z = pos->values[2];
  // return a value that is always true but uses the two variables we define, so
  // we avoid compiler warnings
  // return isInRange(x, y, z);
  Eigen::Vector3d query_pos{x, y, z};
  return searchRadius(query_pos, range);

bool motion_planning::isInRange(float x, float y, float z) {
  bool validState = true;
  bool outOfBound = false;

  for (const auto &ver : verts) {
    // check if box around quad is occupied
    if (abs(ver.z - z) <= range) {
      if (abs(ver.x - x) <= range) {
        if (abs(ver.y - y) <= range) {
          validState = false;
    } else {
      if (ver.z - z >= 0) {
        outOfBound = true;

    if (outOfBound || !validState) {
  return validState;

bool motion_planning::searchRadius(const Eigen::Vector3d &query_point,
                                   const double radius) {
  std::vector<int> indices;
  std::vector<double> distances_squared;
  kd_tree_.SearchRadius(query_point, radius, indices, distances_squared);

  if (indices.size() == 0) {
    return true;

  for (const auto &close_point_idx : indices) {
    // get point, check if within drone body
    Eigen::Vector3d close_point = points_.col(close_point_idx);
    // project point on each body axis and check distance
    Eigen::Vector3d close_point_body = (close_point - query_point);
    if (std::abs(close_point_body.x()) <= range &&
        std::abs(close_point_body.y()) <= range &&
        std::abs(close_point_body.z()) <= range) {
      // point is in collision
      return false;

  return true;

void motion_planning::executePath() {
  // initialization
  assert( != NULL);

  // compute trajectory
  std::size_t num_waypoints = vecs_.size();
  int scaling = 10;

  std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> way_points;

  for (int i = 0; i < int(num_waypoints - 1); i++) {
    Eigen::Vector3d diff_vec = + 1) -;
    double norm = diff_vec.norm();
    for (int j = 0; j < int(norm * scaling); j++) {
      way_points.push_back( + j * (diff_vec / (norm * scaling)));

  // Flightmare
  Vector<3> B_r_BC(0.0, 0.0, 0.3);
  Matrix<3, 3> R_BC = Quaternion(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).toRotationMatrix();
  std::cout << R_BC << std::endl;
  rgb_camera_->setRelPose(B_r_BC, R_BC);

  quad_state_.x[QS::POSX] = (Scalar);
  quad_state_.x[QS::POSY] = (Scalar);
  quad_state_.x[QS::POSZ] = (Scalar);


  // connect unity

  int counter = 0;

  while (unity_render_ && unity_ready_) {
    quad_state_.x[QS::POSX] = (Scalar);
    quad_state_.x[QS::POSY] = (Scalar);
    quad_state_.x[QS::POSZ] = (Scalar);
    quad_state_.x[QS::ATTW] = (Scalar)0;
    quad_state_.x[QS::ATTX] = (Scalar)0;
    quad_state_.x[QS::ATTY] = (Scalar)0;
    quad_state_.x[QS::ATTZ] = (Scalar)0;



    counter += 1;
    counter = counter % way_points.size();

bool motion_planning::setUnity(const bool render) {
  unity_render_ = render;
  if (unity_render_ && unity_bridge_ptr_ == nullptr) {
    // create unity bridge
    unity_bridge_ptr_ = UnityBridge::getInstance();
    std::cout << "Unity Bridge is created." << std::endl;
  return true;

bool motion_planning::connectUnity() {
  if (!unity_render_ || unity_bridge_ptr_ == nullptr) return false;
  unity_ready_ = unity_bridge_ptr_->connectUnity(scene_id_);
  return unity_ready_;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  // initialize ROS
  ros::init(argc, argv, "flightmare_example");
  ros::NodeHandle nh("");
  ros::NodeHandle pnh("~");

  // quad initialization
  motion_planning::quad_ptr_ = std::make_unique<Quadrotor>();
  // add camera
  motion_planning::rgb_camera_ = std::make_unique<RGBCamera>();

  std::cout << "Read PointCloud" << std::endl;
  motion_planning::verts = motion_planning::readPointCloud();

  std::cout << "Get Bounds" << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Plan & stuff" << std::endl;
  while (!motion_planning::solution_found) {

  std::cout << "Execute" << std::endl;

  return 0;